Monday 8 January 2024

Genesis Chapter 14 Quiz

1. In Genesis 14, who were the kings that formed an alliance against other kings?

a) Abram and Lot
b) The kings of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, and Bela
c) The kings of Egypt and Canaan

2. Who was the king of Salem and a priest of God Most High in Genesis 14?

a) Melchizedek
b) Bera
c) Kedorlaomer

3. What did Abram do when he heard that Lot was taken captive in Genesis 14?

a) Abram ignored it
b) Abram gathered his trained men and pursued the kings
c) Abram consulted with the other kings

4. How many kings did Abram defeat in order to rescue Lot in Genesis 14?

a) 2
b) 3
c) 4

5. What did Melchizedek bring out to Abram after his victory in Genesis 14?

a) Bread and wine
b) Gold and silver
c) Sacrifices for God

6. What did Abram refuse to take from the king of Sodom in Genesis 14?

a) Gold and silver
b) Livestock and possessions
c) His captured relatives

7. What did the king of Sodom propose to Abram after his victory in Genesis 14?

a) To make Abram king
b) To take a share of the spoils
c) To marry his daughter

8. What did Abram swear to the king of Sodom in Genesis 14?

a) That he would not take anything
b) That he would become his servant
c) That he would share the spoils

9. Who were the Amalekites and the Amorites in Genesis 14?

a) Allies of Abram
b) Tribes that fought against Abram
c) Neutral parties in the conflict

10. What did Abram give Melchizedek as a tenth of everything in Genesis 14?

a) Animals and possessions
b) The spoils of war
c) A tithe of the spoils

Quotes from Famous Scientists about God

  • Albert Einstein -Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
  • Isaac Newton-I have never denied the existence of God. I think the universe is too complex and harmonious to be a result of chance.
  • Galileo Galilei-God is known by nature in his works, and by doctrine in his revealed word.
  • Johannes Kepler-To the Lord whom I worship and thank, That governs the heavens with His eyelid, I return, exalted at His command.

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