Monday 22 April 2024

Genesis Chapter 19 Quiz

1. What two angels visited Lot in Genesis 19?

a) Michael and Gabriel

b) Raphael and Uriel

c) Two unnamed angels

2. How did Lot welcome the two angels in Genesis 19?

a) He prepared a feast for them

b) He offered them a place to stay in his house

c) He bowed down and worshipped them

3. what happened When the men pressed toward Lot to break the door

a) They were struck with blindness

b) They all fell backward

c) They were struck with leprosy

4. How did the angels strike the wicked men of Sodom with blindness in Genesis 19?

a) They touched their eyes with a staff

b) They spoke a word of command

c) They cast a spell

5. Who urged Lot to leave Sodom before its destruction in Genesis 19?

a) His wife

b) The angels

c) The men of Sodom

6. What city did Lot request as a refuge instead of fleeing to the mountains in Genesis 19?

a) Zoar

b) Bethel

c) Jericho

7. What happened to Lot's wife when she looked back at the city in Genesis 19?

a) She turned into a pillar of salt

b) She was struck by lightning

c) She disappeared

8. When Lot told his sons-in-law they must leave the city

a) They left immediately

b) They planned to leave

c) They did not take him seriously

9. What sin did Lot's daughters commit after leaving Sodom in Genesis 19?

a) Adultery

b) Incest

c) Murder

10. What were the names of Lot's two sons born from his daughters in Genesis 19?

a) Moab and Ammon

b) Ishmael and Isaac

c) Esau and Jacob

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Quotes from Famous Scientists about God

  • Albert Einstein -Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
  • Isaac Newton-I have never denied the existence of God. I think the universe is too complex and harmonious to be a result of chance.
  • Galileo Galilei-God is known by nature in his works, and by doctrine in his revealed word.
  • Johannes Kepler-To the Lord whom I worship and thank, That governs the heavens with His eyelid, I return, exalted at His command.

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