Monday 25 December 2023

Genesis Chapter 12 Quiz

Genesis Chapter 12 Quiz

1. In Genesis 12, where did God instruct Abram (later Abraham) to go?

a) Egypt
b) Canaan
c) Babylon

2. What promise did God make to Abram in Genesis 12?

a) To make him a great nation
b) To give him a large family
c) Both a and b

3. How old was Abram when he left Haran to go to the land of Canaan?

a) 75 years
b) 100 years
c) 50 years

4. When Abram entered Canaan, what significant site did he come to?

a) The Jordan River
b) The Sea of Galilee
c) The Oak of Moreh

5. What did Abram build in the land of Canaan in Genesis 12?

a) A house
b) An altar
c) A well

6. What danger did Abram face in Egypt, and how did he handle it?

a) Famine; he built an altar and prayed
b) The Pharaoh wanted to take Sarai; he lied and said she was his sister
c) Wild animals attacked; he built a protective wall

7. How did God respond to Abram's actions in Egypt regarding Sarai?

a) God punished Abram
b) God blessed Abram and Sarai
c) God remained silent

8. What did Abram and Lot decide to do when their possessions became too great for the land to support them?

a) Abram gave Lot the choice of the land; Lot chose the Jordan Valley
b) Abram and Lot separated amicably
c) Abram asked Lot to leave

9. What did God promise Abram regarding his descendants in Genesis 12?

a) They would be as numerous as the stars
b) They would inherit the land of Canaan
c) Both a and b

10. What did Abram do after God promised him the land of Canaan in Genesis 12?

a) He built an altar to the Lord
b) He journeyed on to the Negeb
c) He returned to Haran

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