Monday 1 January 2024

Genesis Chapter 13 Quiz

1. Who accompanied Abram (later Abraham) as he left Egypt and returned to the Negeb in Genesis 13?

a) Lot
b) Sarai
c) Hagar

2. What caused strife between the herdsmen of Abram and Lot in Genesis 13?

a) Famine
b) Lack of water
c) Abundance of possessions

3. How did Abram propose to settle the dispute between himself and Lot in Genesis 13?

a) Abram proposed to separate from Lot and offered him first choice of the land.
b) Abram asked Lot to leave and go wherever he wanted.
c) Abram insisted on keeping all the land for himself.

4. What did Lot choose when given the opportunity to pick the land in Genesis 13?

a) The Jordan Valley
b) The Negeb
c) The land of Canaan

5. How did God promise to bless Abram after his separation from Lot in Genesis 13?

a) God promised to make Abram's descendants as numerous as the stars.
b) God promised to give Abram and his descendants all the land he could see.
c) Both a and b

6. After Lot's departure, where did Abram move his tent in Genesis 13?

a) To the mountains
b) Near a river
c) Near the oaks of Mamre

7. Which city did Abram build an altar near after moving to a new location in Genesis 13?

a) Sodom
b) Jericho
c) Bethel

8. What did God reiterate to Abram after Lot's departure in Genesis 13?

a) The promise of numerous descendants and land
b) The promise of a long life
c) The promise of wealth

9. Who is described as living in the city of Sodom in Genesis 13?

a) Righteous people
b) Wicked sinners
c) A mixture of both

10. In Genesis 13, what is the significance of God's promise to Abram about the land?

a) It foreshadows the inheritance of the Promised Land by Abram's descendants.
b) It predicts the destruction of Sodom.
c) It is a test of Abram's faith.

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  • Isaac Newton-I have never denied the existence of God. I think the universe is too complex and harmonious to be a result of chance.
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  • Johannes Kepler-To the Lord whom I worship and thank, That governs the heavens with His eyelid, I return, exalted at His command.

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